Episode 5 – Andrew Guest
- Before Community, Andrew was on the first two seasons of 30 Rock as a writer’s assistant.
- Oddly enough at the time of the Pilot, Dan was not given the role of showrunner.
- The first few weeks of Pre Production was character camp
- Writers would discuss things such as what’s Jeff’s relationship with Troy, vs Gillian
- Andrew knew Donald from 30 Rock.
- Donald was so young at 30 Rock that on his first week of Pre-Production, he had to leave to fulfill his obligations as RA in his dorm at NYU.
- After a Pilot is made, writers get together and start figuring things out such as what happens in Episode 2
- Scenes are whiteboarded
- Dan’s famous story circle is used
- episodes are assigned to writers, who then break off for a week to write out the episode.
- Dan famously would take so long to write a draft that for the Pilot the Russo brothers went to his house and sit with him to get the draft completed.
- 30 Rock’s writer room tended to push for jokes, vs Community which would push for story
- Andrew wrote Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, despite never having played D&D
- Britta’s character was initially very underdeveloped, with just a sketch of “stereotypical hot cool girl.” The network really wanted to recast Gillian but Dan fought for her.
- Early on not knowing how to drive home Britta’s comedy a lot of editing was done to make her more comedic. Later on Andrew says they figured out how to make her a lot more fun to write for to make her funny.
- Andrew wrote Advanced Criminal Law, which is the focus of this pod.
- This episode featured Britta crying, which got to show off Gillian’s dramatic acting chops.
- Writing Chevy’s song, one of the first things Andrew did was use a rhyming dictionary on Greendale which is where slop pail came from.
- Writing for Chang was tricky, in that his humor was very cartoonish, and it proved to be difficult to have a character arc for a very cartoonish character, but at this point they just enjoyed the cartoon.
- This was the first appearance of Starburns and Leonard in speaking roles, and as such Andrew would get character payments each time those characters reappeared later on.
- Andrew worked on the first two seasons, then came back for the series finale.
- At 10am on Monday morning when the episode was set to shoot – there was no story, it was not even broken.
- Regarding Season 4 – it does feel like an imposter season. Some shows can swap out the show runner, but Community’s vision was so much of Dan’s voice Andrew feels that it didn’t work.
- A season of tv is about 9-10 months.
- During pre-production nothing but writing is happening, but once production starts you’re shooting.
- You shoot for three weeks, you take one off, each of those weeks is shooting an episode.
- As a writer, once your last episode is done, you’re done, so you might go out and help on set.
- Community writers would typically do at least one all-nighter a week, and a lot of weekends.
- Andrew really related to the Troy/Abed friendship, if not either character individually.
- Also Britta – his favorite character to write for by the middle of season 1.
- some of the politics
- the self-defeating nature
- getting in your own way
- clumsiness
Thanks to MinotaurMan for the research
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